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Geographic entities covered under FIPS include states, counties, congressional districts, core based statistical areas, places, county subdivisions, subminor civil divisions, consolidated cities, and all types of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian areas. FIPS codes are assigned alphabetically according to the name of the geographic entity and may change to maintain alphabetic sort when new entities are created or names change. FIPS codes for specific geographic entity types are usually unique within the next highest level of geographic entity with which a nesting relationship exists. For example, FIPS state, congressional district, and core based statistical area codes are unique within nation; FIPS county, place, county subdivision, and subminor civil division codes are unique within state. The codes for American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian areas also are unique within state; those areas in multiple states will have different codes for each state.COUNTYFP10 = The Federal Information Processing Series (FIPS) county code. COUNTYNS10 = County GNIS codeGEOID10 = A concatenation of STATEFP10 and COUNTYFP10, which produces the entire FIPS code for this geography.NAME10 = County nameNAMELSAD10 = NAME10 + \"County\"LSAD10 = Legal/statistical area descriptionCLASSFP10 = FIPS class codeMTFCC10 = MAF/TIGER feature class codeCSAFP10 = Combined statistical area codeMETDIVFP10 = Metropolitan division codeFUNCSTAT10 = Functional statusALAND10 = Land area in square metersAWATER10 = Water area in square metersINTPTLAT10 = Latitude of the centroid (center of this geography)INTPLON10 = Longitude of the centroid (center of this geography)PLNG_REGIO = Planning regionSUMLEV = Summary level of census geography (code)NAME = NAMELSAD10STATE = The state FIPS codeCOUNTY = The county FIPS codeSTFID = A concatenation of STATE and COUNTY, which produces the entire FIPS code for this geography.totpop10 = Total populationoner_10 = One race populationwhite_or10 = White, one race populationbl_or10 = Black, one race populationaian_or10 = American Indian and Alaska Native, one race populationasia_or10 = Asian, one race populationnhpi_or10 = Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, one race populationsomoth_or1 = Some other, one race populationtwoplusr10 = Two-plus races populationtotpop101 = Total populationhisp_lat10 = Total Hispanic/Latino populationnonhisp10 = Total non-Hispanic/Latino populationnh_or10 = Non-Hispanic/Latino, one race populationnhw_or10 = Non-Hispanic/Latino White, one race populationnhbl_or10 = Non-Hispanic/Latino Black, one race populationnhai_or10 = Non-Hispanic/Latino American Indian and Alaskan Native, one race populationnhas_or10 = Non-Hispanic/Latino Asian, one race populationnhhp_or10 = Non-Hispanic/Latino Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, one race populationnhot_or10 = Non-Hispanic/Latino Other, one race populationnh_twor10 = Non-Hispanic/Latino, two or more races populationtothu10 = Total housing unitstotoccu_10 = Total occupied housing unitstotvach_10 = Total vacant housing unitsAcresLand = Land area in acresAcresWater = Water area in acresAcresTotal = Total area in acresSqMiles = Total area in square milesShape.STArea() = Total area in square feetFor additional information, please visit the Atlanta Regional Commission at www.atlantaregional.com.Source: United States Census Bureau, Atlanta Regional CommissionDate: 2010", "copyrightText": "United States Census Bureau, Atlanta Regional Commission", "editFieldsInfo": null, "ownershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures": null, "syncCanReturnChanges": true, "relationships": [], "isDataVersioned": true, "isDataArchived": true, "isCoGoEnabled": false, "supportsRollbackOnFailureParameter": false, "archivingInfo": { "supportsQueryWithHistoricMoment": true, "startArchivingMoment": 1411558609000 }, "supportsStatistics": true, "supportsAdvancedQueries": true, "supportsValidateSQL": true, "supportsCoordinatesQuantization": true, "supportsCalculate": false, "advancedQueryCapabilities": { "supportsPagination": true, 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